PinnedHopeful PursuitFaith-ing Is Harder Than I ThoughtWe tend to have the instinct to wait on the perfect timing, the perfect clear sign from above to make that necessary move, break off a…Nov 15, 2021Nov 15, 2021
Hopeful PursuitGraceful SufferingI have spent the last two and a half years trying my best to learn about grief and suffering. Some might even call it graceful suffering…Sep 24, 2021Sep 24, 2021
Hopeful PursuitDesert of FriendshipsDoes this sound familiar to you? Are you on the same boat as I am in friendships? How did Covid impact your friendships?Sep 10, 2021Sep 10, 2021
Hopeful PursuitIf you were going through grief, i’d tell you:That letting God’s will happen in your life, releasing your loved one to him does not mean you are of weak faith.Sep 10, 2021Sep 10, 2021